Southland Christian Church

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Born in a Barn: Jesus’ Messy Friends — Tuesday

1 Peter 2:4
As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him... (NIV)

Jesus reached down in the dirt and picked it up… the ear. The one Peter had removed from a servant of the High Priest in a sudden, poorly-aimed swipe of his sword. In his single-handed attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus, Peter had meant to remove the man’s head, not just his ear. The others attempting to arrest Jesus were in shock at what they just witnessed, as were the disciples. Everyone reached for their swords. Then Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” (John 18:11). And then, Jesus healed the man’s ear. 

This was Peter’s life. Going from greatness to failure at the drop of a hat. He gets out of the boat to walk on water, and then fear takes him under. Jesus calls him the rock on which He will build His church, and has to turn around and call him Satan a second later. He takes a man’s ear off to protect Jesus and then turns right around, that same evening, and denies even knowing Him—not once, but three times. Then the rooster crows. 

I hate it when the rooster crows—that moment you realize you’ve been a hypocrite, when you realize you’ve failed one more time at following Jesus. Do you ever hear that rooster? I do, more often than I care to admit. I let strongholds, fear, failure, regret, and loss lead me more than I let Jesus lead me. Why do I do this? I’m messy. And so was Peter. Jesus isn’t afraid of your mess. In fact, when you can admit you’re a mess, that’s when Jesus can start to work on you, to clean up the areas of your life that are holding you back the most. He has in mine, He did in Peter’s, and He can in yours. 

After the resurrection, Jesus met Peter where he found him originally—on a boat, fishing. Peter went back to the only thing he knew before he met Jesus. And Jesus met him there once again, restored him, and gave him an assignment: “Feed my sheep.”

Tuesday’s Reflection

This Christmas season, spend some time reflecting on areas of your life where you’ve heard the rooster crow. Ask Jesus to enter into those areas, your mess, and begin to restore you.