Born in a Barn: Jesus’ Messy Mission — Friday
Matthew 2:12
...they returned to their country by another route. (NIV)
Yesterday, we left the Magi as they followed the star from the east to Jerusalem to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. They didn’t know their destination until they got there. Walking by faith is often that way, isn’t it? We don’t always know the way, but we do know the ultimate destination—the center of God’s will. Faith took them exactly where they needed to go; it always does. Why would it be any different for us?
Upon their arrival, the wise men did two things. First, they gave gifts. Scripture mentions three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Scholars throughout the ages have found symbolic meaning for the gifts. Gold was a gift for a king. Frankincense was an expensive fragrance used in worship in the temple. Myrrh was used to prepare a body for burial, among other things. God guides specifically, doesn’t He? This Child-King was worthy to receive wealth and worship, but He was also destined (and willing) to die on a cross for our sins.
After they presented gifts, they did something else that was supremely important: They worshiped Him. Somehow they could see beyond the present into the future, and in deep faith, they bowed and worshiped. The question begs to be asked, “Who does that? Who worships a baby?” Other than a misdirected parent or two, the correct answer would be: “Only those who know that the baby is sent by God to eventually save the world.” God divinely revealed that to these Magi, who considered it an honor to kneel before Jesus.
Famed Sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen created a statue of Christ for the Lutheran Cathedral in Copenhagen, Denmark. The figure’s arms are extended in a gesture of welcome to all. But the statue has an unusual feature. In order to look directly into its face, it is necessary to kneel. As Charles Lamb, the 18th-century English essayist once noted, “If William Shakespeare were to come into a room, men would stand out of respect for his accomplishments. But if Jesus Christ were to come into the room, the only appropriate response would be to kneel.”
If we really want to see Jesus, we will see Him best on our knees. True worship begins from a posture of humility. There’s no other way.
Friday’s Reflection
When was the last time you knelt in worship? Make some time today to kneel before God. You’ll notice that your prayers come easier and your heart grows warmer. You don’t have to spout a lot of words. Just kneel. Just bow down… for His sake, not yours. It changes everything.