Southland Christian Church

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Counterfeit: Femininity — Wednesday

LUKE 10:42
There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.

I am 100% the kind of person who wants my house to look warm, welcoming, fresh, and clean for when people come over (and truthfully, just for my own enjoyment), so I tend to stress a bit before having any kind of large gathering, even if it’s a kid’s birthday party. Please hear me: I don’t recommend this, so this is more of “what not to do” than an advice column. It sounds like Martha, Lazarus’ sister, had the same compulsion I do, so when I read this story of Mary and Martha and how they each reacted to Jesus’ visit, I am deeply convicted every time.

There are two accounts in Scripture of this visit that Jesus made to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus – one in Luke, and one in John. It’s important to note that this visit is after the visit where Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. I imagine my perspective would be quite different after being a first-hand witness to a resurrection than before. In this story, Martha chose to prioritize the meal she was preparing for Jesus over the time she could spend with him. Before we get too judgy here, I am convinced she was doing this as an act of service. Her heart was most likely in the right place. The thing is Jesus, the miracle worker, the Son of God, was in her living room, and rather than sit at his feet and soak in every second she had with Him, she was letting other things take priority. Again, good heart. Misplaced priorities.

Mary, however, chose to worship Jesus. She washed Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume, she bowed before Him, she listened to Him, and she honored Him. More than that, her worship taught those around her as well. When Judas rebuked her in John 12:7-8, Jesus even said to Judas, “Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.

Our time with God is vital and should always be the first priority. Mary modeled this well, as did Jesus during His time on earth when He consistently took time away to pray. It takes consistency and sometimes sacrifice, but making Jesus the main thing in our lives and faithfully seeking time with Him will always be rewarded!

Wednesday’s Reflection

 Set aside ten minutes today to sit quietly with Jesus. You can read the Bible. You can pray. You can sing or listen to worship music. You can just be quiet, but set aside time to be alone with Him and let Him be at the center of your mind and heart.