Southland Christian Church

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Counterfeit: Masculinity — Thursday

Genesis 2:15-17
The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden—except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

Spend enough time around me and eventually you’ll hear me bust out a phrase that has helped me be disciplined and productive when I need to be. I sometimes merely think these words, but, more often, I actually have to say them out loud in the presence of someone else who can laugh with me about how simple things sometimes seem so hard, and who can hold me accountable to act.

The phrase? “I can do hard things.”

It’s discipline. A blending of the need to accomplish something along with the motivation it takes to see it through.

One area of discipline is simply doing what needs to be done. Sometimes it takes more or less oomph to get moving and knock something out. I personally fight a high level of inertia when trying to get rolling on a project. But when I do finally get moving, I’m all in and might even accomplish two things. I know it’s not the same for everyone. Maybe you find it works differently for you. But I am usually thinking less about some general sense of motivation as I am about the answer to the question: “Why does this need to be done? Why does it need to be now? Why does it need to be me?” It can get bogged down answering the “why” question. Because there are so many versions of it. Can you see how I get stuck pretty quickly?

Another corner in the same room of discipline isn’t so much about just getting the next thing done as it is about staying away from the thing(s) we ought not to do. The things that hurt our souls. Sin that leads to shame. The things that cause sadness for us, others, and/or God. Drawing a line in the sand, determining your boundaries for “this-far-and-no-further”. Not seeing how close we can get to the edge of the Grand Canyon without falling off, but seeing how far back we can stay so we aren’t even in danger of plummeting to injury or worse.

Discipline. The things we choose to do thanks to our amazing freedom in Christ. And the things we determine that, with God’s help, we will not do. It takes focus. Intentionality. Sometimes it takes planning. It requires keeping the end in mind, remembering the purpose, and valuing the payoff. Sometimes, all it takes is that strong inkling that my Father in Heaven is smiling as a result of my choices brings me a deep sense of joy.

Thursday’s Reflection

Ask God to help you do some intentional work—in a journal, over coffee with a friend, through conversation with a pastor—to be intentional with growing in the area of discipline. He desires overwhelming good for you… and every good and perfect gift comes from Him! (James 1:17) Need community in your life for this work? Southland Groups are a great place to start.