Southland Christian Church

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Deconstruction: The Kitchen – Your Body Deserves Better - Friday

Today’s Verse

John 6:27

Don’t waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of Man provides. He and what He does are guaranteed by God the Father to last. (MSG)

When people ask me what my favorite food is, my answer is always salad. Not only do I love salad, but this answer allows me to leave my options open. Of course, I love a regular old garden salad, but depending on the day, I might want potato salad, chicken salad, fruit salad, Caprese salad, pasta salad... Like I said, options!

Almost all of my family members love salad too, so salad with some homemade dressing is often the main course at dinner. However, one of my children would not agree and when he was younger, we bought him this funny lettuce shirt. He wore it often to remind us of his discontent at mealtime.

The reality is that to care for our bodies well, we are not going to be able to eat whatever we want, whenever we want. We have to learn how to have discipline and balance and to enjoy our favorite foods in moderation. That is easier said than done! We have way too many options in our fast-paced culture. The more convenient and the cheaper an option is, the less healthy it is likely to be. In regards to what we eat, learning to slow down and think before we make a choice, learning to cook at home, and learning how to nourish our bodies with fresh, whole foods can go a long way.

This isn't a subject that God is silent on. We see many examples of feasts and celebrations in the Bible that come around food. Jesus even calls Himself the bread of life so that we know food is important to God. We have to learn how to put food in its proper place, to use it to our benefit, to feed and nourish our bodies.

God intended for us to be in control of food instead of it controlling us. When we have that balance in place, it helps us live an obedient life. The physical food we consume should help us seek the food that will not perish—a life with Jesus!


Who is in control—you, or food? Are you seeking spiritual food that lasts forever as much as you seek your favorite meal?

If you need help finding someone to talk to, please, call Southland at (859) 224-1600. Or go to and someone will help get you to the right person.