Southland Christian Church

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Deconstruction: The Kitchen – Your Body Deserves Better - Wednesday

Today’s Verse

Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (ESV)

Do you have a restaurant that you absolutely love, but hesitate to go there because you know you will lose all self-control as soon as you walk in the door? Maybe it's just me, but those warm, salty, thin, and crispy tortilla chips dipped in creamy, spicy dip push me over the edge every time—it makes me forget all about moderation and restraint!

The Bible tells us that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. This is great news, because my willpower can only get me so far! Self-control is a result of a life abiding in Jesus—a life that is submitted to the Holy Spirit.

So the question is where is God asking you to exhibit self-control? Where have you been trying to silence the Holy Spirit's voice of conviction in your head? When it comes to taking care of our bodies, you probably already know what God is asking of you specifically—something that will improve your health and allow you to be more effective for His kingdom. Whether that's as a friend, spouse, employee, or parent, we can't give your best if we aren't taking care of ourselves.

Do you need to completely change your eating habits, or do you just need to cut out sugary drinks? Do you need to go on a walk after dinner, or train for a marathon? Do you need to go to bed earlier and get more sleep, or do you need to get up early to spend time with the Lord each morning?

Have you ever considered if an excess in food or lack of exercise may be a sin in your life? We also have to make sure the pendulum hasn't swung too far in the other direction—being obsessed with food and exercise is also unhealthy and harmful. If we say our lives are submitted to Jesus, this area is not off limits. God wants us to learn self-control in all areas of our life through His power.


Where do you need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and convict you in terms of taking care of your body? Share with a friend who can help keep you accountable.