Southland Christian Church

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Slow Mo: Overcoming a Bad Decision – Wednesday

2 Corinthians 7:10
For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death. (NLT)

Following the “cap incident” I talked about yesterday (go back and read Tuesday’s devotion if you haven’t — it’s a funny story), I mentioned I had some ringing in my ears. We’ve all experienced a loud noise that left us in a similar situation.

We learned on Sunday that Moses murdered an Egyptian soldier when he let his temper get the better of him. He then felt the ramifications of his past decisions for at least 40 years as he avoided punishment for his crime.

For me, when decisions from the past are either summoned by current circumstances or just appear out of the blue, my immediate reaction is avoidance. I kind of wait and see if it was a fluke thing that’ll go back as quickly as it jumped to the forefront of my life. Sometimes avoidance works, but more often than not, I relate to Moses — it’s like I’m on the run for a crime, or like noise has suddenly entered my life. To me, it can feel like a haze or fog because it seems to block my vision, prevent clarity, and persist around every corner.

When life gets LOUD because our ears have been rung by sudden “noise” from the past, or when guilt and regret have perpetuated a fog over your life, what do you do? Do you avoid it? Do you latch on to it and let it dictate your mood and actions?

Jesus promises another option. Today’s verse talks about how sorrow can bring about life or death. Will you accept the promise of life that comes with repentance, reconciliation, and realignment with Christ, or settle for death — death of peace, death of rest, death of freedom?

Wednesday’s Reflection

What pieces of the past are following you around? How do you react to the past? Seek reconciliation with Jesus and ask Him to carry those burdens on your behalf — He’ll do it!