Southland Christian Church

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Slow Mo: Overcoming a Rough Childhood – Friday

Ephesians 3:20
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (NIV)

Fifteen years ago I almost walked away from full-time ministry. I had been working in churches for about 10 years and I was broken. God showed me a heart that had been hardened. He showed me the sin I had masked. He showed me how my family had been the lowest thing on my list of priorities. In what felt like a moment, I had hit rock bottom. I didn’t know what would come next, but I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt I was unfit for ministry. I had failed my commitment and my calling, and I was confident God was done with me. So I decided to press into Him. I had no idea what was next, but I knew that God would help me get through it.

One of the amazing things about God is his unending grace and forgiveness. Throughout the next few years, I leaned into Him like I’d never done before. He showed me that there’s nothing He can’t overcome and there is no one too far gone that He can’t use.

If I asked you to describe the ideal person who would lead the nation of Israel, I doubt you would describe Moses. But that’s exactly what God did. Out of all the people He could have used he picked the son of a slave, an orphan abandoned by his mother. God chose the boy who was adopted, and raised by foreigners in a foreign land. God chose a man who would later become a murderer and a deserter. He chose Moses who was all of those things. And once Moses said “yes,” God molded him into the person he needed to be.

No matter your past, no matter what you’ve dealt with, God has a plan for you. No matter how far you’ve run from God or what sins you’ve tried to hide, God knows you and He still wants to use you. You don’t have to have it all together. You just have to say “yes” and trust Him. Then draw close to Him and let Him change you. Let Him forgive you and show you plans you never thought possible!

Friday’s Reflection

What is holding you back from letting God use you? Are there things you’re holding on to? Are there sins you’re hiding? Let go and let God take those burdens. Talk to Him now.