Southland Christian Church

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Slow Mo: Overcoming a Rough Childhood – Monday

Exodus 1:22
Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: “Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile... (NIV)

About 12 years ago (when I was on the children’s team here at Southland) we spent a day at Lake Cumberland. We had just finished up a stressful and busy season and desperately needed a day as a team to relax and recharge. Several of us were attempting to water ski and I had a random thought pop in my head. “I wonder what it would feel like to jump out of a moving boat.” In my much more advanced (and wiser) current state, I would have been able to dismiss this thought. But at that moment, I had no such filter. So I simply jumped out. In case you’re thinking about doing this yourself, don’t. Water at 35mph isn’t soft. In fact, it feels like concrete. My shoulder hit the water first and although thankfully nothing broke, I can tell you it has never been the same. If only I hadn’t jumped…I would still have a perfectly healthy shoulder.

Truth be told, my story is a very minor “If only” moment. But I can imagine Moses looked back at his childhood with an abundance of “if only” moments. 

If only Pharoah hadn’t created the decree that all male babies be killed…
If only his mom hadn’t put him in a basket and given him up for adoption…
If only he had had a normal childhood.

If only…

The problem is…the person you are today is a result of the “If only” moments. The life circumstances, the bad decisions, your family, they all paint the picture that is your life. And God doesn’t waste any of them. Would Moses’ life have been different if all the baby boys weren’t murdered? Definitely. But God used that moment to plug Moses into the royal family. God used those moments to shape Moses and the situation so that one day Moses would free the entire Israelite nation from slavery.

Rather than wishing those moments or circumstances in your life didn’t happen, give God gratitude for the fact that He can use them for good. Lean into Him to teach you and guide you into a deeper relationship with him as a result of your “if only’s”. And if nothing else, you’ll gain some experience on what to do (or what not to do) next time. For me…I learned NOT to jump off a moving boat.

Monday’s Reflection

Are there moments or decisions in your life you still harbor resentment or regret for? Today, take time to give those over to God. Ask Him to use those for His glory. And ultimately let him take those burdens from you.