Southland Christian Church

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Slow Mo: Overcoming Difficult Circumstances – Thursday

Exodus 17:12-13
“Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle.” (NLT)

We all know that challenges and difficulties come in many forms. As the Jewish people made their way to The Promised Land under Moses’ leadership, there were many instances where basic resources like food and water were scarce. But God continually demonstrated His power and desire to provide. But we also know, like the Israelites, that difficulties can come in the form of an attack. Doesn’t it seem as though these attacks most often occur when we’ve just experienced a blessing or something good in our lives? 

As they traveled, the Israelites came under a surprise attack. Interestingly, there is no record that the Jewish people fought any battles while in Egypt. It was only when they were delivered from captivity that they experienced warfare with the enemy. Preacher and writer Warren Wiersbe profoundly points out that the Christian life is the same way. Once we are freed from the captivity of sin through Jesus, “His enemies become our enemies.” That’s when the battle begins. Moses instructed Joshua to gather some men to face the Amalekites. Moses took Aaron and Hur with him to a mountain overlooking the battlefield. The Bible says that Moses raised his arms and staff since it was customary for Jewish men to raise their arms when they prayed. As long as Moses’ arms and staff were raised, the Israelites were winning. When his arms lowered, the battle shifted in favor of the enemy. Moses could never have remained in a posture of prayer were it not for Aaron and Hur holding up his arms, literally, on either side of him.

While God could have easily dealt with Israel’s threat, He chose to utilize Joshua in battle, along with Moses, Aaron, and Hur in prayer. Such a great reminder that when we face hardships, it’s imperative that we have people to help hold us up when those difficulties come. 

Thursday’s Reflection

We may resist choosing to see it this way, but every difficulty and challenge we face provides an opportunity. Will we be faithful and trust that with God’s strength, and the help of others, we might grow through it? Or will we choose to be alone and give up? Don’t do life alone. This might be a great time to check out a Southland Group.