Southland Christian Church

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Sucker Punch – Overcoming Fear - Friday

Today’s Verse

John 14:27

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. (NLT)

I’ve heard it many times, “‘Do not be afraid’ is mentioned 365 times in the Bible, one for each day of the year!” There’s no question that the Bible does offer consistent messaging about fear, including today’s verse which are the words of Jesus. For Christians, there is a compounding effect related to the struggle with fear: guilt. Guilt so often closely follows fearfulness in Christians because we are instructed repeatedly throughout scripture not to fear. And what about the kind of fear that seems to play a beneficial role in our lives? This fear keeps us from harm, warning us when we might be in a dangerous situation. That fear can be protective in nature. 

Maybe we shouldn't think of fear as something to be defeated. This way of thinking can create an endless internal battle that will most likely only leave us exhausted. A good way to wrap up this week’s devotions on fear might be to acknowledge that, when scripture gives us the command not to be afraid, the presumption is that WE WOULD BE AFRAID! This in and of itself reveals God’s understanding that we have the capacity to be fearful. Now, “Do not be afraid” is not a slap on the wrist or some sort of corrective scolding. Instead, these words are an invitation that, with His help, our hearts and minds can be still and filled with the truth that God is trustworthy, and He is for us.

Constant fear will rob us of rest. Jesus promised in today’s verse that He would leave us the gifts of peace of mind and heart. This begins with learning how to take every thought (fear) captive, as 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, and making those thoughts submit to what Jesus says is true.


How rested are you right now? What’s keeping you up at night? What might Jesus say about that worry or fear? He’s reminding you at this moment that He can be trusted. Accept the peace and rest He offers.