Southland Christian Church

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The Top Shelf: The All-Powerful God — Thursday

Romans 2:4
Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

Whenever I read Romans 2:4, there’s this old worship tune that always comes to mind called “Kindness” by Chris Tomlin. There’s a line in the song that says, “It’s your kindness, Lord, that leads us to repentance,” which is taken right out of this scripture. As I sang those words as a high school/college student, I don't think I understood quite what they meant, but today, it holds a really deep meaning as I walk closer and closer with Jesus. When I look at the character of Jesus, when I think of all that He’s done for me and forgiven in me despite my absolute worst, when I reflect upon how great His power truly is and yet He’s still mindful of me and knows me… it is my heart’s desire to live inside His will. 

As we come to know more about the character of God and get to know Him personally, the Holy Spirit will start to change our hearts. As we learn more about the unconditional love of Jesus, we can’t help but desire to look more like Him. The Holy Spirit begins to develop fruit in our lives that reflects God’s character.

Let’s read a few more verses in our chapter from Psalms this week: Psalm 19:12-13. Toward the end of this chapter, David is asking God to forgive Him for His sins, to identify where he has done wrong, and to change his heart so that he doesn’t fall prey to the same things again. This is the heart-change work that happens when you follow Jesus. It’s not instantaneous, and it requires a daily turning to God—but the Holy Spirit’s work will change your heart for the better, give you the gift of discernment, and remind you to come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness when, inevitably, you mess up. This is the unconditional love of the Father, the gift of grace that Jesus died for, and the reward of knowing and following Jesus!

Thursday’s Reflection

This is tough, but ask God to examine your heart. Allow Him to identify the things in you that need to be forgiven and the thoughts that need to be taken captive. Then ask Him for forgiveness. Trust that, because of what Jesus did on the cross, your sin is forgiven, and live in the freedom of that grace and mercy! If you need someone to pray with or talk to you, head to We are here to help!