Southland Christian Church

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The Top Shelf: The Self-Sacrificing God — Friday

Colossians 1:19-20
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

The old song “My Favorite Things“ lists several pleasing life experiences. I’m not a big kitten guy, but I’m sure their whiskers are nice. My list is different than Mr. Rodgers’ and Mr. Hammerstein’s, but I have lots of favorite things, too. I really like the first chip from a fresh bag of Classic Lay’s potato chips. I don’t know why, but that first one out of the bag is so satisfying. I also really like it when the odometer on the car displays symmetry. I’ve mostly driven older cars, but my wife’s vehicle is under 80,000 miles, so I hope I’m driving the day it rolls to 88,888 miles. That will be amazing! Another of my favorite things is when my oldest son lines a double in the gap, and when my youngest son nails the line in his play as the crowd roars with laughter. 

God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in His Son, Jesus. He was also pleased to reconcile (make right) all things by making peace through Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. As we have been reminded this week, God is love, and His love is on display through His sacrifice. Jesus made peace for us with God by giving up His life on the cross. It’s the peace of God I want us to focus on at the end of our week together.

Through Jesus’ work on the cross, we have the offer of peace with God. We can access God’s love by believing in Jesus as the salvation for our souls. We move from the enemies of God to His cherished and beloved children by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Being at peace with God is the only way we will ever truly enjoy the enjoyable things of life. As a matter of fact, peace with God allows us joy despite dog bites, bee stings, or other calamities. This weekend, I hope you get to enjoy a few of your favorite things, but regardless, I pray you enjoy peace with God as offered through a relationship with Jesus.

Friday’s Reflection

Make a list of a few of your favorite things, and thank God for them.