Southland Christian Church

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The Top Shelf: The Self-Sacrificing God — Thursday

Philippians 2:3
Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

I recently watched a documentary that opened with a lavish party. It was clear that no expense was spared at this gathering. Millionaires, billionaires, models, and movie stars came together for an evening of pampering and celebration. At the center of the party was a man who had built enormous wealth and status through business acumen and resulting success. Part of the documentary shows you the behind-the-scenes preparation. As the party planners and coordinators were mic’d, you heard them whisper about what to do when the guest of honor arrived. About as much fuss and fanfare as you could imagine ensued when the man paying for this event showed up.

By contrast, we see Jesus enter the world through remarkably humble means. He was born in a barn essentially, and there were no models or movie stars around to take it in. Throughout His life, He shunned the limelight and humbly served the will of His Father. When He was backed into a corner by the religious elite who questioned His actions and motives, He responded by telling them, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does” (John 5:19).

We follow a God who leads the way in humility and sacrifice. As I consider the contrast between Jesus’ fully surrendered will and mine, I realize just how short of that standard I fall. While I’ll never be fawned over like the man in the show, my heart can be just as prideful as if I were. It’s not easy for us to live humbly, deny our own will, and value others above ourselves—but fortunately, Jesus showed us how. His sacrificial actions flowed out of His commitment to seeking and obeying the Father’s will, and so it is with us. Let’s spend some time this morning seeking our Father’s will and choosing to follow Him throughout the day.

Thursday’s Reflection

Reread our opening verse. Now meditate on it and ask God to share one action step you can take in obedience to Him.