Southland Christian Church

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The Junk Drawer: Bloodstained Pews - Tuesday

Matthew 5:4-5
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. (NLT)

We’ve all been through trials. Jesus, in fact, promised us trials and suffering in this world. It’s definitely not an exciting reality to face, but it is something we all share because we live in a broken world tainted by sin and we know things will not be perfect until Jesus returns. What we do with those trials, though, how we respond to them, and how we submit them to God to use really matters.

I have a friend who struggles with same-sex attraction. God asked him to be obedient in sharing his story and he has been open to that and shared his story many times. That obedience has caused his experience to impact so many people going through the same thing, and they are able to see Jesus through him. Another good friend of mine went through a divorce years ago. He’s shared his story because he knows others are going or have gone through that same thing, and He wants the redemption God brought to his life to be known in hopes it encourages others to rely on Jesus. I have a family member who has struggled with cancer for years. She has shared her story with anyone who will listen because, while she is not physically healed, God has walked with her faithfully and she wants to make sure others hear her story and see Jesus in the midst of it.

Being vulnerable with our struggles is never easy, but God offers us comfort and peace and does miraculous things when we’re willing to show that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, BUT GOD has walked faithfully with us through it all.

Tuesday’s Reflection

Pray that God would help you take the first step toward being vulnerable about what He’s teaching you right now. If you’re going through something hard and need someone to come alongside you, our care team is here to help. If the lessons God has taught you through your struggle could be shared with others, maybe your next step is to join or lead a group. Maybe your next step is just to share where you’re at with a close friend or family member. Maybe it’s simply to share it with God even though He already knows. Whatever that next step is, commit to taking it today. God will give you his strength. Remember, where we are weak, He is strong!