Southland Christian Church

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The Junk Drawer: Bloodstained Pews - Wednesday

Romans 3:23-24
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins. (NLT)

Church hurt is a real thing. I have met (and love) quite a few people who have turned away from God or stopped attending church because they were treated as less than, outsiders. My heart breaks for them because that isn’t the picture of Jesus that we see in scripture. The fact of the matter is Jesus offers us all unconditional love and grace to cover our sins. Everything from our worst decisions to the littlest white lies is covered by the redemption and grace of Jesus if we ask Him to forgive us. 

Because we have all messed up. There’s not a single one of us not in need of grace and forgiveness. There’s not a single one of us who doesn’t need saving. There’s not a single one of us who isn’t hurting, who isn’t broken. God knows it all. He sees it all. And He chooses to offer us a way out.

Instead of being a place where broken and hurting people experience judgment, feel alienated, or are constantly reminded they’ve messed up, the Church should be a place where the broken and hurting come to feel relief, to heal, to rest in the peace and love of Jesus knowing that He has grace for all our mistakes and being in His arms is a safe place. 

So as we seek to be the Church, to invite others into a relationship with Jesus whether by personal invitation or by example, remember that we, too, were offered grace and we are to extend it to others so that the Biblical picture of the Church, a community where hurting and broken people can live out their faith in Jesus, is the model we follow. I’m so grateful that Southland is a church that opens its arms to those who are hurting; that welcomes broken people like me; that is willing to tell the truth lovingly and follow it with grace upon grace just as Jesus did.

But it doesn’t stop inside the walls of the church. We – you and me and the entire body of believers worldwide – are the Church, and it is our responsibility as followers of Jesus to model His love well and be reflections of His character because, at some point or another, we will all need to be on the receiving end of grace.

Wednesday’s Reflection

Pray for and be aware of opportunities this week where you can extend grace to those around you. Maybe that’s your family. Maybe that’s your coworkers or neighbors. Maybe that’s your friends. Extend grace like Jesus did and see how God uses that decision to change, not only your relationship with those around you but how He uses it to change your heart. If you’d like more tangible ways to serve others and extend that same grace, consider joining our prayer team or getting involved with any of our ministries here at Southland. We would love to have you!