Southland Christian Church

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The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Thursday

John 20:28
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” (NIV84)

Back in the 1980’s there was a hard-charging investigative journalist from a big city who was laser-focused on his career. He worked at a prominent newspaper and his skill set led to awards and promotions. Somewhere along the way he started investigating religion and Christianity, planning to use his intellect and skills to disprove this 2,000-year-old “hoax.” What happened in the end was shocking.

His doubt and desire to expose lies ended up in his salvation. The risen Jesus revealed himself to a man bent on disproving Him and discrediting the Church He established after rising from the grave. Lee Strobel has subsequently written a series of powerful books making the “case” for Christ, God, a Creator, Miracles, and other theological realities. This skeptic became a believer and a profound worshiper of Jesus, using his passion and abilities to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.

When Thomas put his hands on the wounds of the risen Jesus, he burst into worship. His statement, “My Lord and My God” came from his investigation into his doubts about the claim that Jesus had risen from the dead. Thomas’ recorded doubts help us see that Jesus is patient and loving toward us, even when our faith falls short.

At the beginning of the week, I encouraged us to explore doubts and fears, not for the sport of being skeptical or untrusting, but because when our doubts and fears are buoyed by Truth we can’t help but respond in worship. God’s amazing grace, exchanging Jesus’ perfect life for our broken one, is profoundly humbling and awe-inspiring.


Today, let’s reflect on the gift of God’s grace and thank Him as we reflect on how He revealed Himself to us. Recall the moment of your salvation and meditate on its impact.