Southland Christian Church

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The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Wednesday

John 20:26b-27
Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (NIV84)

I was challenged in my Bible College studies to “Be a Berean.” My college was about 700 miles away from central Kentucky so they weren’t referring to becoming a citizen of the beautiful small town of Berea near Lexington, KY. Rather they were referring to a group of believers from the New Testament who were known for confirming the claims of the apostles’ teaching against what the Bible said itself.

You’ve heard the phrase, “Trust but verify.” It’s a practical way to ensure that what is being stated is true. It’s useful in almost all of life’s pursuits and also for trusting in Jesus. Thomas had doubts and Jesus challenged him to examine the evidence in front of him. What the Berean believers from Acts 17 and Thomas teach us is that we can pursue our doubts and questions and test the veracity of Jesus’ claims.

As with any worldview and belief system, no one knows everything to the fullest extent of all possible knowledge, but with the claims of scripture, we can examine the evidence and decide for ourselves. We can study the evidence for Jesus as an actual person from history. We can review the recorded history of a global movement, the Church, rising from the stated claims of a risen Savior from a small group of eyewitnesses. We can examine the worldview Jesus established and determine if it works to live the way Jesus called His followers to live. We are free to pursue our doubts and determine if they lead us to Truth or not.


Today talk to God about any doubts you have. Give them to Him and commit to ongoing study and review of the evidence for Jesus and His claims. (Tomorrow’s devo will direct you to a great author and resources.)