Epicenter: Corinth (Exchanging Idols for Jesus) — Friday

1 John 5:21
Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts. (NLT)

We’ve spent the better part of this week discussing the sin of idolatry, and I’ve asked you plenty of times what it is you are idolizing. But if you’ll allow me, I’d like to personalize today’s devotional.

For me, there was a season when I made an idol out of news and politics. I was obsessed with staying up to date with current events and what was happening in the political realm. The first thing I did in the morning was check the news. On my way to and from work, the only thing I’d listen to was political opinion podcasts. I would check the news pages and read op-eds on my breaks. Inevitably, my mood, emotions, and heart all became controlled by what I was reading. My morning time in God’s Word was stolen by the time I spent invested in the news. The time I had in my commute to talk with God was filled with political talks instead. My heart and my affection were hijacked by something that was not Jesus.

If you’re reading this and you’re a fan of the news and politics, please hear me out: There is nothing wrong with news and politics in and of itself. In fact, I would argue that it’s a good thing to stay informed and participate in elections. However, when anything becomes greater than God in our lives, it becomes an idol. The issue of my heart was that I was looking at God through the lens of politics rather than looking at politics through the lens of God. I’m not encouraging behavior modification, but I am encouraging you to make sure nothing gets in between you and your relationship with Jesus. For me, I had to create boundaries. My mornings HAVE to start with opening God’s Word. Every now and then, I’ll listen to a podcast, but it’s in moderation—and only if I have first talked with Jesus. 

Again, this isn’t about earning God’s love or changing how we behave to become a “good” person. It’s about the absolute truth that God is deserving of our ultimate affection, attention, and desire. If you’ve spent time at Southland at all, then you’ve likely heard this from the stage: “When a good thing becomes an ultimate thing, it becomes a destructive thing.” Don’t let a good thing take the place of God! God is above everything, and everything should take a back seat to Him. 

Friday’s Reflection

Is there anything in your life that has taken the place of Jesus in your heart? Think about it as you listen to this song.


To the Ends of the Earth: Reaching the Unreached — Monday


Epicenter: Corinth (Exchanging Idols for Jesus) — Thursday