We are followers of Jesus who love God and love people in our communities, in our city, and in our world.
Southland is a church of people who believe the best way to live life is with Jesus, in community, and on mission.
living life
Following Jesus begins with a daily commitment. When Jesus was asked by others about why He lived His life the way He did, He simply responded, “I only do what I hear the Father telling me to do.” For us that looks like daily spending time in the Word, talking to God through prayer, and gathering together to worship each week. Time with the Father is how Jesus lived His life and is key to our life as we follow well.
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IN Community
living life
Jesus chose to live life in community. He surrounded Himself with people who He intentionally connected to. We believe that life happens best in community, and it's important to take steps to be a part of biblical community beyond just the weekend service. We were made to do life with others: Joining together with friends to hold one another accountable, study God’s Word, and support one another through life’s trials is how we love well.
living life
In Jesus’ life, He was relentless in His drive toward being on mission. One way He phrased it was that He came to give up his life for others, and He’s called us to live the same kind of life. Imagine a church that fed the poor, cared for under-resourced kids, threw parties for the physically and mentally challenged, befriended exotic dancers, and filled the homes of the underserved with clothing and furniture? We’re all called to serve well.
We believe in one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 3:16-17)We believe God is the creator of all things.
(Genesis 1:1)We believe Jesus is God’s Son and the Savior of the world.
(John 3:16)We believe the Holy Spirit lives within every follower of Jesus and equips each follower for ministry.
(John 16:5-15)We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority for all matters of faith.
(2 Timothy 3:16)We believe every person has sinned and needs the salvation Jesus provides.
(Romans 3:23)We believe Jesus died, was raised to life after three days, and will return to rescue us.
(1 Corinthians 15:3-4)We believe salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus.
(Romans 5:8-11)We believe faith is expressed through hearing God’s plan for salvation, believing Jesus is God’s Son, confessing our need for Jesus’ work on the cross, repenting of our sin, being immersed in the waters of baptism, and living an obedient life.
(Acts 2:38|Romans 6:1-7|2 Peter 3:9)We believe the Church is the body and bride of Jesus on earth.
(Acts 2:14-47)We believe it is God’s plan for elders to shepherd the church.
(1 Timothy 3:1-7)We believe death seals the eternal destiny of each person. The saved will inherit eternal life and the unsaved will experience eternal separation from God.
(Romans 8:10-11)We believe the Bible teaches that marriage is to be a lifelong relationship between a man and a woman.
(Matthew 19:6)