
Our Vision

Our Missions team is here to help you engage in sharing the gospel and serving the world through our amazing partners. We have joined in God’s mission in different areas of the world - both globally and throughout the US - and we have all kinds of opportunities below for you to use your skills, talents, and abilities. There’s a place for everyone to serve, and we need you! Join us as we reach out to those that need the hope we have in Jesus Christ.


Mission Partner Documentaries

In 2023 Southland partnered with several of our Mission partners to tell their story. Learn more about the incredibly important work that is being done in Japan, Austria, El Salvador, and beyond! With trips and events happening each year there are many ways to be involved with our ministry partners!

Click here to register for up to date info on Southland Missions

  • "Everyone did so well and enjoyed serving in Honduras."

    Steve Miller

  • "The team had such a great time serving and I am going to come back again with more people to work on projects!"

    Eastern Kentucky Relief

    Josh Pennington

  • “One of the best weeks of my life!”

    El Salvador
    Simm Kerbaugh

  • "Believe it or not, I've been talking non-stop about our trip until my voice is gone."


    Dori Zirbes

Mission trip testimony

Hear from Josh Pennington - a volunteer that recently went to El Salvador on an unforgettable mission trip with Southland.

Southland Mission Trip Schedule

Where will you go?