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The Telephone Game Scott Nickell The Telephone Game Scott Nickell

Gossip vs. Praise

James 3:2-12 | Controlling our words may be one of the most difficult things to do. The same mouths we praise God with also can be used to hurt and harm others. Understanding how powerful and dangerous words can be can also lead to using them for the ultimate good which is praising God.

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The Telephone Game Jon Weece The Telephone Game Jon Weece

Gossip vs. Gospel

Romans 10:9-17 | The Gospel is the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. When we use our words to spread and share this good news beautiful things happen! Instead of choosing to spread gossip we can spread the gospel.

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Standalone Scott Nickell Standalone Scott Nickell

Build a Strong Family

Family, faith, and community—we'll discover how God places the lonely in families and how strong families grow through grace and truth. Southland has always been a place where the broken find belonging. Jesus came to bring people from death to life, and our mission is to join Him in that work.

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The Baby & The Bathwater Jon Weece The Baby & The Bathwater Jon Weece

Build a Strong Church

Matthew 16:11-20 | The Bible describes the church as “the body of Christ.” In other words, the church should look a lot like Jesus. And one of the best things Jesus did for people was encourage them to serve and empower them to lead. Southland will always need an abundance of servant leaders.

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Standalone Matt Proctor Standalone Matt Proctor

A Hunger For God’s Word

2 Timothy 3:16-17 | All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (NIV)

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Winter Fire Scott Nickell Winter Fire Scott Nickell

Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9:6 | We long for peace. We long for the fighting to stop, the pain to cease, and the tears to stop flowing. Jesus made peace for us and peace is available to everyone! Who can we introduce to Jesus this Christmas season?

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Winter Fire Jon Weece Winter Fire Jon Weece

Everlasting Father

Isaiah 9:6 | In a world where things and people wear out, grow old, fall apart, and die we have an everlasting Father who doesn’t get tired. He never fails and he never fades. Who can we extend an invitation to this Christmas season to sit at our table, come to church with us and sit by our fire?

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Winter Fire Scott Nickell Winter Fire Scott Nickell

Mighty God

Isaiah 9:6 | When life gets painful and the days grow dark we need a strong and mighty God to run to, lean on, and trust. His strength is displayed in our weakness. Who can we lend our strength to this Christmas season?

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Winter Fire Jon Weece Winter Fire Jon Weece

Wonderful Counselor

Isaiah 9:6 | A counselor comes alongside someone in their time of need and imparts truth and wisdom. In a culture saturated with counselors we have the perfect counselor in and through Jesus who came alongside us in our time of need. Who can we come alongside during this Christmas season?

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The Rebel’s Guide Jon Weece The Rebel’s Guide Jon Weece

Be an Imperfect Friend

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 | Living in community can be scary, but not as scary as being alone, especially when trouble steers our way. We need each other, but we don’t have to be perfect to be a good friend. We already have the perfect friend in Jesus.

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The Rebel’s Guide Scott Nickell The Rebel’s Guide Scott Nickell

Get an Imperfect Job

Proverbs 16:3, Colossians 3:23 | What you do is simply that, it’s what you do. It is not who you are. Working is a good thing but it’s not an ultimate thing. Our ultimate purpose is to honor and glorify God with who we are and what we do. This means our job doesn’t have to provide us with fulfillment, satisfaction, or joy because God is the source of those good things in life.

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