Fish Stories: Jonah’s Repentance – Friday

Jonah 3:10
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened. (NIV84)

A few weeks ago, a husband and wife baptized their precious young daughter. She was so little she had to stand on a stool in the water so that her friends and family could see her face above the wall of the baptistery. It was a sweet moment in the service as her parents introduced her to the church and baptized her into Christ. In the crowd was her older sister. As she watched her little sister courageously articulate her faith in Jesus, she was inspired and baptized herself two weeks later. Her little sister’s obedience led to her repentance and obedience to Jesus.

Jonah's eventual obedience to God led to Nineveh’s repentance. Had Jonah never gone, we don’t know if someone else would have been called by God to go and preach. Had Jonah never gone, we don’t know if God would have found another way to save Nineveh. All we know is that Jonah repented, went to Nineveh, preached to them, and they repented and were spared.

Like Jonah, when we disobey, we hurt ourselves and put others in danger, but our disobedience also short-circuits what God may do through our obedient example. We usually see in our immediate surroundings that our disobedience hurts others. Our disobedience mitigates the potential impact of our obedience. What would happen in the lives of our family, friends, and onlookers if we obeyed Jesus?

When that sweet little girl bravely stood before the church and confessed her faith in Jesus, it sparked something in her sister that God wanted to see happen. There’s a good chance your obedience will spark someone watching you to choose obedience to God too.

Friday’s Reflection

Pray for God to use your obedience to point others to His purpose in their lives.


Fish Stories: Jonah’s Anger – Monday


Fish Stories: Jonah’s Repentance – Thursday