Slow Mo: Overcoming a Rough Childhood – Tuesday

Exodus 2:3
She got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. (NIV)

When I was little I thought it was normal for kids to live with their moms (and grandparents) and visit their dads on the weekends. Like most young kids, I didn’t know any different and it all seemed perfectly normal. It wasn’t until I started going to school and meeting other kids (who lived with both their parents) that I began to realize my situation wasn’t ideal. That’s when I first began to struggle with my parent’s divorce. I never doubted my mom or dad’s love for me, but I did begin to question why. Why did they get divorced? Was it something I did? Did they think that this was best for me? Did they decide it was a mistake to be married? Did they see me as a part of that mistake?

Ultimately none of my questions have been fully answered. But I have grown to understand a couple of things. First, sometimes parents have to make hard decisions where there is no perfect outcome. Secondly, sometimes parents make the wrong decisions.

Moses’ mom felt that the best situation for Moses was to abandon him and put him in the Lord’s hands. Ultimately, we know God took care of Moses. Was there a better solution than floating him down the Nile? Maybe. But maybe not.

One of the recurring themes this week is God’s sovereignty. Like Moses’ parents and my parents, I don’t always have easy right and wrong decisions to make about my kids. Sometimes I feel like I’m doing only slightly better than flipping a coin. But thankfully God is sovereign. He is in control and can use hard situations for His glory. He can take wrong decisions and make the best of them. And He can use us no matter what life circumstances we have been put in.

Maybe you’ve been put into a difficult situation as a result of your parents’ decisions. Or maybe you’re facing a difficult decision with your kids right now. If either of those are you, take a deep breath and know God is with you. If you ask, He will help you make the right decision. And also know that no matter what, you (or your parents) can’t mess up His plans with a bad decision.

Tuesday’s Reflection

Are there things you need to let go and forgive one or both of your parents for? Are there things you need to ask your kids for forgiveness for? Sit and ask God for help answering those questions if you don’t know.


Slow Mo: Overcoming a Rough Childhood – Wednesday


Slow Mo: Overcoming a Rough Childhood – Monday