The Top Shelf: The All-Knowing God — Wednesday

Matthew 6:31–32
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.”

So if God is all-knowing, should we ever worry?

Today, I want to talk about the word “need” found in Matthew 6:32. When it comes to “our needs,” we struggle because, fundamentally, we believe no one knows me better than me. Think about it. Would you ever let a stranger go to the supermarket and pick out your groceries, let a relative select your outfit for the day, or let a neighbor plan your vacation? Of course not: “They don't know what I want to eat or what I like to wear or what I enjoy on vacation.”

Listening to our culture only adds fuel to the flame. Everywhere you turn, you’ll find things urging you to “do what you want,” “You do you,” and “Don’t let anyone tell you no.” You're constantly bombarded with the idea that no one knows you better than you know you.

Jesus counters this worldly thinking with heavenly thinking: Only God knows what you truly need.

This isn’t whether you “need” a chicken sandwich or a slice of pizza for lunch. I'm talking about the things we tell ourselves we "need" to be happy. This could be anything: increased income, a safer neighborhood, a spouse, a more respectful child, more beach vacations, and so on. You fill in the blank: "If only I had _______, my life would be better."

Even though it will be a struggle, I want to encourage you to joyfully let go of the responsibility of defining your needs. Sounds scary, right? But here are four reasons why we can trust God: 

  1. God is Creator. He knows how you operate. 

  2. God is omniscient. He knows exactly what today and tomorrow hold.

  3. God is omnipotent. He can control every microbe of the universe. 

  4. And on top of all those things… God is good. He “will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19 ESV).

So how do we live without worry? We have to become the kind of people who trust in God so deeply that we are free of fear. To do that, we must train and practice. We counter the barrage of lies with truth. We lay our fears at God’s feet. We live in community with people who encourage us to trust God. We practice generosity. We trust our Heavenly Father to decide what’s best for us. 

And over a long period of time, our anxiety is replaced by peace—an unshakable trust that allows us to confidently declare, “Nothing will happen to me today that hasn’t first passed through the hands of an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God.”

Wednesday’s Reflection

Make a list of all the things you tell yourself you “need” to be happy. Talk through that list with God. He is offering a better way, and by letting God define your needs, you're placing your life in good hands.


The Top Shelf: The All-Knowing God — Thursday


The Top Shelf: The All-Knowing God — Tuesday