The Top Shelf: The All-Powerful God — Monday
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (NIV)
A few weeks ago, I was driving my girls to school, and we came up over the hill and saw the most gorgeous double rainbow I had ever seen. It took us all by surprise, and as I looked around at the other cars in the car line, most of the people around us were also captivated by it. It was such a beautiful reminder of God’s glory.
When I break down Psalm 19, the scripture this weekend’s message was based on, the entire first portion of it is dedicated to the majesty of God that is seen in creation. So this week, we’re going to take a look at Psalm 19 and really study it together. If you haven’t already, grab your Bible and read through Psalm 19:1-6.
Creation is evidence of the glory of God. Think about the magnitude of the Grand Canyon, or the overwhelming size of the Milky Way Galaxy, or the colors present in the sky during sunrise and sunset, or the number of stars in the sky and grains of sand on the shore. Think about the detail God put into creating the life cycle of a butterfly, the water cycle, photosynthesis, and the human body. Everything in creation speaks to the majesty and glory of God. That’s what David is saying in Psalm 19. When we look around at the beauty of the earth, which is truly only a small part of God’s creation, it is all evidence and witness to His power.
Think about it. He holds the power to command the sun to rise, to command that the waters be still, to tell the earth to form—and not only that, but it was all created in great detail so that wherever we look in creation, it proclaims His power and testifies to His glory. Today, let’s focus on what He created and how awe-inspiring it is that He is that great!
Monday’s Reflection
Thank God for creation. Take a moment to pray a prayer of gratitude for the powerful God He is, and ask Him to help you see opportunities to thank Him as you encounter His majesty in creation today.