The Verdict Is In: The Pardon of God — Friday

Romans 8:31-32
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?

Today is Good Friday, a day we reluctantly turn to face the cross. In all its tragedy and irony, the cross helps us begin to comprehend how God feels about us. 

In their book Freeway, Mike Foster and Garry Poole offer a series of questions to consider: How do you feel… When you wake up in the morning? When you make a mistake? When you have relational difficulties? When you sin?

Then they ask the questions this way: How does God feel… When you wake up in the morning? When you make a mistake? When you have relational difficulties? When you sin?  

We’ve been focusing this week on God’s desire to pardon us and set us free. Whether or not we choose to walk in the identity of freedom seems tied to how we view God, or how we think He views us. As the questions above might reveal, we can have some inaccurate thoughts about God, and ourselves. In fact, we have an adversary who knows how to skillfully influence us with untruth. It has taken me most of a lifetime to figure out that I don’t have to believe everything I think about myself, or God. Instead, I follow the Bible’s directive to take every thought captive and weigh it against revealed truth. 

I might think I’m unloved, but the cross says I am beloved.
I might think I’m condemned, but the cross says I’m forgiven.
I might think I’m broken, but the cross says I am whole in Christ.
I might think I’m alone, but the cross says, “I am with you always.”
I might think I am captive, but the cross says I am free.

As we take time today to remember the cross, bringing our hearts and minds back to the sobering moments of that Good Friday, let’s remember: The cross only has power to speak in light of what’s going to happen on Sunday!

Friday’s Reflection

Which identity will you choose to embrace today: Satan’s lie that you are who you think you are? Or God’s truth that you are who He says you are?

We can’t wait to celebrate Easter with you this weekend at Southland! Click here for details on service times, baptisms, and more!


The Verdict Is In: The Peace of God — Monday


The Verdict Is In: The Pardon of God — Thursday