The Verdict Is In: The Sentence of God — Friday

Romans 5:17
For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.

Another set of devotions from me, another story about my Southland Students group of junior boys! There’s not a week that goes by when I’m not impressed by new sports they’re playing, new questions they’re asking, and deep conversations they’re having. Most recently, I’ve really been reflecting on how much they’ve changed since I started with them when they were in the 4th grade. Beyond that, they’ve challenged my perception of their generation. Gen Z, like most generations, was quickly categorized and somewhat dismissed by characteristics like distracted and anxious.

I think when we dismiss a generation, apologize for their situation, and generally express that life is going to be really hard for them, we are doing a lot of harm—but maybe in a way you haven’t considered. As believers, when we do this, we are inadvertently denying that God is present with them, fearfully and wonderfully created them, and has a plan for them. Beyond this, if you spend time with the next generation, you’ll come to find they possess unique resilience, careful decision-making, and deep empathy. But regardless their flaws and all they may have working against them, the truth we read of in our verse today—the gift of God’s righteousness, and the triumph it brings over sin and death—that truth is for Gen Z, too.

We learned this week that Jesus’ sacrifice has broad implications for our understanding of God’s grace, Jesus’ empathy, and the carefully orchestrated plan to rescue us from our sins and place us in right relationship with our Creator. It should change everything about the way we think, act, and go about our lives—especially how we view and treat others. So I’ll leave you with this question: Knowing all this, and that the destructive, corruptive, thieving nature of sin is running rampant in the lives of people we care deeply about—are we living lives defined by the kind of righteousness that points others to the miraculous story of God’s grace?

Friday’s Reflection

Every week, we have intentional services for middle and high school students with worship and teaching that are carefully developed to help the next generation connect with the gospel. If you have a middle or high schooler, you can learn more about how to get them involved here! It also takes a LOT of volunteers in several different roles to make it happen. Maybe it’s time to think and pray about serving the next generation as a response to what God has done for you! Click here to get that conversation started with our team.


The Verdict Is In: The Pardon of God — Monday


The Verdict Is In: The Sentence of God — Thursday