The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Friday

John 20:31
But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (NIV84)

In the original writing and language of the New Testament, there were no commas, periods, chapter divisions, verse divisions, or other forms of the written grammar structuring we employ today. When John’s gospel was written, he started with “In the beginning” and finished with remarks about the vast depth and breadth of all Jesus did during his life and ministry here on earth. His words in today’s reference in chapter 20 and verse 31 are written in very close proximity to the account of Thomas expressing his doubts and then seeing them addressed by Jesus himself. It’s literally the next comment John makes after Jesus’ recorded words to Thomas in response to Thomas’s statement, “My Lord and My God.”

It is clear that John’s purpose in writing his entire gospel account is to help anyone ever exposed to his message have evidence to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life in his name. Stated in another way, the purpose of John’s entire gospel is to help people investigate the claims of Jesus and His followers and gain confidence in their own belief in Jesus. This belief in Jesus leads to life.

I have been seriously following Jesus for decades now, and I still treasure the words of John, the other gospel writers, and the entire New and Old Testament. I’ve wrestled with their reliability, authority, and value, and I have staked my entire life on the Truth of Jesus and His Word. That’s not to say I have it all figured out. I’m so limited in my knowledge and understanding, but with all I’ve studied, investigated, questioned, and reviewed, I believe with my entire being that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; he’s my Lord and my Savior.


I hope you’ve made the same decision, professed it publicly, and been baptized into Jesus’ name identifying with His death, burial, and resurrection, as the New Testament instructs. If you’ve not yet made this decision and would like to please let us know.


Deconstruction: The Foundation - Monday


The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Thursday