To the Ends of the Earth: Protecting Children — Tuesday
Hebrews 13:3
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. (NIV)
Established in 2010, Blackbox International exists to holistically rehabilitate formerly sex-trafficked boys. The most vulnerable people in the world are the children who are being taken advantage of and have no one to provide for them and protect them. So Blackbox provides the critical aftercare component to help them find healing from their past, joy in the present, and purpose for their future.
Even without hearing the graphic details of the actual stories, we can only imagine the abuse and trauma they have experienced. Sex trafficking has devastating consequences, so they need a place to find healing and restoration.
God says that the care of trafficking survivors is the responsibility of the Church. Jesus is clear that caring for the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned is the equivalent of caring for Him (Matthew 25:35–40). And to reject those in need is to reject Christ (Matthew 25:41–46). Even more than caring for physical needs, the Church has been given the mission of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:16–20). It is our job to show the love of Christ and to speak Christ’s love to trafficking survivors.
Pastor Andy Stanley said it succinctly when he said, “Do for the one what you wish you could do for everyone.” That’s exactly what Blackbox is doing. Every trafficking survivor is precious. Every single trafficking survivor was made in the image of God, and Blackbox has created a safe place for them. These boys can share things because they know they’re safe, they’re cared for, and ultimately, they’re loved. They have people who will pray for them, encourage them, and just sit with them when they’re having a rough day or dealing with emotions—and not just in the home, but in the community. They’re actively involved in the local church where they can participate in youth group, worship, grow, and make healthy friendships with other children.
I love the vision of Blackbox: “We believe they will be restored from the hurt and confusion that has been inflicted upon them and, one day, become men who will change the world.”
Tuesday’s Reflection
Today, let’s pray for the boys coming out of sex trafficking. Let’s pray for three specific things: healing from the past, joy in the present, and purpose for their future.