Unsung Heroes: Encouragement of Barnabas — Thursday
Psalm 100:3a
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his. (NIV)
Have you ever heard the phrase “Clarity is kindness”? I have a friend who constantly reminds me of this. Anytime I’m confused about anything, she’s quick to chime in. Tension in friendships or miscommunication in the workplace? Clarity is kindness. Vagueness in expectations from a friend? Clarity is kindness.
In a lot of my relationships, I often feel the need to ask for clarification so there’s no confusion. But sometimes when I ask for clarification, the other person gets frustrated because they feel misunderstood. This leads to tension, and sometimes, kindness is an afterthought.
But with the Lord, we already know where we stand with Him. Psalm 100 tells us that the Lord is God and we are His. We belong to Him, and He knows us better than we know ourselves because He created us. This should bring us so much peace! We can be confident that we don’t ever have to ask the Lord for clarity on our standing with Him. The Bible is the Word of God, the truth by which we as Christians can confidently live our lives—the ultimate picture of “Clarity is kindness.”
Here’s where it can get a little sticky… Do you actually believe that the Lord has created you to be His? Do you believe He knows you better than anyone else in the entire universe? Do you believe He knows what’s best for you? Do you believe that He sent His one and only Son to die for your sins so you could have an eternal relationship with Him? Believing in God and believing these truths are two different things, and our lives will reflect on which side we fall.
For those who struggle to believe any of these truths, I hope you can find encouragement in Psalm 46:10—“Be still, and know that I am God.” While this may be a classic verse for coffee cups and decorative pillows, its truth is still valid. The psalmist is telling us that we can simply sit and know. In almost every area of our lives, we have to complete a list to achieve anything. But with God, He doesn’t require us to do anything other than show up and sit still. Think about the peace and rest that could come if you lived every moment of your life rooted in this truth!
Thursday’s Reflection
Today, I challenge you to sit. Take a few minutes immediately after reading this to sit in silence. Meditate over Psalm 100:3, and walk confidently into today knowing that He is God and you are His.