Unsung Heroes: Encouragement of Barnabas — Tuesday

Acts 4:36-37
Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet. (NIV)

When I was working in campus ministry, one of the first things I was asked to do as a staff member was take an online test to help me determine what my spiritual gifts are. The test I took told me that I likely had the gifts of serving, encouraging, and administration. These results resonated with what I knew of myself, and a few conversations were had about what these gifts meant for my ministry. But after that, I wrote them down in a note on my phone and honestly never looked at them again.

Then when I was assigned this week of devotionals, I suddenly remembered these gifts I’d learned of years ago. But I started to have a moment of panic when I realized my job here at Southland does not specifically require me to use any of these gifts. I serve on the Creative Team doing video, meaning that I spend the majority of my time behind a camera and on a computer. I began worrying that I was not utilizing my God-given gifts to their fullest extent, and for a moment, I thought that maybe I needed to change the entire course of my life to fit my giftings. At the height of my dramatic freakout, I felt the Lord comfort me by saying, “Your gifts are not a job; they’re a lifestyle.”

My mind was blown! And so I started to reflect on whether I was actually living a lifestyle of using these gifts, specifically service and encouragement. I started looking into the areas of my life where I have the opportunity to serve and encourage others, even if that’s not the primary requirement of my role here. While I work at a church and ministry is my day job, I know that many people who work in secular environments are in the same boat as me: Their God-given gifts aren’t exactly written in their job description. But today, I hope you are encouraged by the fact that we are each called to be reflections of Christ in every area of our lives. You are equipped to share the love of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, and that is what you were created to do. 

Tuesday’s Reflection

Are you showing the love of Christ to those around you in every area of your life? In what areas does this come quickly to you, and where do you struggle a bit?


Unsung Heroes: Encouragement of Barnabas — Wednesday


Unsung Heroes: Encouragement of Barnabas — Monday