Weekly Bible Blast - July 7

Hey, Big Picture Show Families! We are here to help you raise kids who love Jesus, love the Bible and love people. Below you will find a link to our weekly teaching videos for both Elementary and Preschool as well as family devotions to go deeper into this week’s Bible story. Have a great week growing together as a family! Have questions or need to contact us? Email us.

WATCH the Bible Story: Manna and Quail - Exodus 16

WORSHIP with us: You Only; Not as Strong

FOLLOW  this week's Daily Reading Plan.

PRACTICE the Big Idea: Trust God for what you need.

Preschool and SuperStars

WATCH the Bible Story: Aaron Helps Moses - Exodus 17:8-13

WORSHIP with us: God is Number One; I Can Obey

READ this week's Family Devotion.

PRACTICE the Big Idea: I can trust God.


Weekly Bible Blast - July 14


Weekly Bible Blast - June 30