Everyone has a story worth telling.

We love hearing about any life change, turning point, next step or remarkable experience that points to Jesus working in your life. And whether it's your full life story or just a small excerpt. You never know how your story might impact someone else's story.



Writing down your story can often help you to arrange your thoughts into order. So we’ve created a simple guide that can help you better organize your story into four sections.

  • In this step we need to find out the overall heart or theme of your story. So choose a turning point or defining moment in your life; it a problem or struggle; a change of mind or heart; or a significant relationship. Whatever it is, a single storyline or idea makes telling your story more manageable.

  • What’s the essential context for your story? Write down what life was like before your life change took place. What was the motivation for the change? This will help people understand and relate better to what happens in next step, which we’re calling The Turn.

  • This is where we find out what happened and why? Now, this is the most important piece. Share how and why your choices, your attitudes, and circumstances changed. What was that decision to change, like for you? What were you feeling in that time of your life? Ultimately, your story is about God. So make it clear how Jesus helped you.

  • Describe your life today. What did God show you about yourself or Himself, and what is different today about you because of that?


We believe everyone has a story worth telling.

What’s yours?