Deconstruction: The Living Room – Technology Cannot Love You - Friday

Today’s Verse

John 15:15

…instead, I have called you friends. (NIV)

We’ve been talking this week about things that are much better than technology. On Monday, we talked briefly about friends. I want to return to that theme as we wrap up the week.

My wife and I have a family album. It’s a collection of pictures of people who are meaningful to us, and not just family, but friends. Each picture contains a story of lives mingled together with love. We need people who love us, especially at 2:00 in the morning, to talk us off the ledge. To bring out our best selves. To call out our highest potential.

John Westerhoff tells a fable about a baby lion who gets lost and wanders into a family of lambs. The lion soon started to act like the sheep: bleating, burying his face in the grass, and running from perceived dangers. 

One day, as he munched grass alongside the lambs, he heard a loud roar. All the lambs scattered, but the lion stayed put. The roaring lion asked him, “What are you doing here,” 

“I’m mulching grass,” said the little lamb. 

The big lion asked, “But what is that pathetic noise you are making?” 

“That’s called a ‘baa,’” the little lion said. 

The big lion took the little lion over to a quiet pool of water and said, “Look at our faces.”

“Wow, I’m just like you,” said the little lion.

“Yes, you are,” said the big lion. “Now you know who you are and whose you are. Start living like a lion.” 

Friends and family who truly love us will always remind us of who and whose we are. They’ll remind us that we’re not what technology says we are because technology can’t love us. They’ll remind us that, at our core, we’re deeply loved and incredibly valuable. No electronic device can do that. As John 1:12 reminds us, “ all who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.


There’s only one way to get your name and photo in God’s family album. You must place your hope and faith in Jesus. There are no shortcuts, no “fake news,” no spurious theories, and far-out dreams. The path to God leads through His Son. 

But guess what? He wants you in His family album with your name beneath your picture. He wants you to be His child. So I end with a plea: “Come, sons and daughters of God. Remember who you are. Remember who saves you. Remember who loves you…and come.” 

Mark 16:16 says, “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.” Click this link to learn more.


Sucker Punch – Overcoming Fear - Monday


Deconstruction: The Living Room – Technology Cannot Love You - Thursday