Deconstruction: The Living Room – Technology Cannot Love You - Monday

Today’s Verse

Proverbs 18:24

There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (NIV)

Over the weekend, Jon talked about how social media drains time and meaning from our lives. Maybe we should choose better things. That will be our theme for devotionals this week.

In a recent conversation, someone said, “Social media is neutral; it’s just about how you use it.” That’s one of those things that sounds true but isn’t true. Social media, like advertising, is anything but neutral. There’s an army of “Influencers” on social media; they may be many things, but they’re certainly not neutral. 

 Ian Harber recently wrote a great article, "Social Media Is a Spiritual Distortion Zone.” He discusses ways social media distorts our thinking and perpetuates mental health crises, such as shaming and “canceling” people. He also calls attention to the graphic violence and unfiltered porn available at the click of a button, accurately calling it “an epidemic.” 

We could rail for hours about the dangers of surfing the web and using social media, but let’s take a more nuanced approach this week; let’s talk about better things. First on the list? Friends.

Have you ever considered how Jesus spent most of his free time? He spent it with friends. When he began his ministry, he selected twelve friends (disciples). He had three very close friends among the twelve: Peter, James, and John. He also had close female friends such as Mary and Martha of Bethany. You’ll recall that He cherished them so much that He resurrected their brother, Lazarus, from the grave. Now that’s a friend! 

The New Testament is full of “one-anothers.” Love, encourage, and care for one another. Serve and respect one another. Bear one another’s burdens. Comfort one another. Pray for one another. Confess to one another. Nurture one another. All these commands are predicated on one thing: meaningful relationships. Friends are life’s secret sauce. They make our lives less difficult. They multiply joys and divide griefs. They tell us the truth. They clap and cheer for us, laugh and cry with us, and show up when no one else can or will. Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you what sort of person you are or may become. 


Robert Louis Stevenson said, “A friend is a present you give to yourself.” They make good times twice as good and bad times half as bad. Samuel Coleridge said, “Friends are life’s sheltering trees.” I like that! Do you have a “sheltering tree” who loves you? Tell them you appreciate them while there’s time. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. Make a phone call or send a note today. May God bless our friends.


Deconstruction: The Living Room – Technology Cannot Love You - Tuesday


Deconstruction: The Kitchen – Your Body Deserves Better - Friday