Slaying Dragons: Jealousy — Friday

1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (NIV)

I am in my mid-20s, which means I am in the stage of life where it seems like every weekend from April to September, I know at least one person getting married. Over the last two years of watching friend after friend get married, I have heard today’s verse from 1 Corinthians a dozen times. Even at the weddings of friends who don’t follow Christ, they have spoken this same verse over their marriage. Even the world knows that jealousy is not in the original human design.

Paul includes envy in his list of things that love does not do, in order to help us understand that where envy is, love cannot thrive. We are created out of love from a God who is love. When we spend time being envious, not only are we neglecting to love the gifts in front of us, but we’re also forgetting to love the Giver of those gifts.

When I think of times I’ve struggled with envy, I always find myself seeing for the first time where the Lord was present and what He was doing when I look back on the memory, because I didn’t notice in the moment. And as I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on moments of jealousy in my life while writing this week, I’ve found myself in awe of how present the Lord is at all times, especially with those particular memories I haven’t been able to see Him in before. In times when I haven’t asked Him for His help, He has still been loyal to help me through struggles. His persistence in staying with me is a true act of love—one made possible by the ultimate act of love.

Christ’s perfect life, death, and resurrection made it possible for us to be accompanied by the presence of God for the rest of our lives. That gift is what helps us love and appreciate the life we have been given. Without a holy perspective, there is no hope for us to leave jealousy behind and start a new life. And without Jesus, there is no holy perspective.

What an incredible gift He has given us. May we learn how to receive it every day.

Friday’s Reflection

Spend time listing everything that you have to be thankful for today. Don’t stop until you genuinely cannot think of one more thing. Keep this list somewhere easily accessible so you can reference it whenever you start to feel jealousy creeping in.


Fine Print: Die Daily — Monday


Slaying Dragons: Jealousy — Thursday