Slow Mo: Overcoming a Bad Decision – Thursday

Isaiah 43:18-19
I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned, their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick. “But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (NLT)

In my memory box (mentioned earlier this week) I found a plethora of junk mixed in with some actually cool stuff. It was like a treasure hunt trying to determine what was cool and what was just held on to for no reason. I found some vintage Southland Students bracelets from 20 years ago that will be cool to have in my office, a silver eagle coin, and little dinosaur monster things that go on your fingertips that I can use to make myself laugh.

Beyond the memory box full of junk, my garage is also full of random stuff. The amount of miscut wood I’ve stashed away is a little absurd, but I’m certain I’ll need that exact piece of a 2” wide board that has been ripped into a 1” wide board and is now 11.38 inches long. I frequently validate my “collecting” when I can randomly cobble together solutions around the house like I did the other day when I needed to reinforce my back gate’s hardware. All it took was a scrap… so I need the other 100 in case I have to fix it 100 times… right?

Around 8 or 9 years ago, I decided to use my time, talents, and experiences to volunteer with the next generation. I was determined to use the ways I had junked up my life as a tool to help a group of boys make better decisions and meet Jesus. In doing that, I was able to learn what pieces of the past to let go of, and what pieces could be retrofitted for a better purpose. Those same boys from 8 or 9 years ago are about to start their senior year, and deciding that I could, at the very least, show up and listen to them was one of the most life-giving and best decisions I’ve ever made.

Thursday’s Reflection

Afraid of making more bad decisions? Afraid of living with more regret? Maybe the first step toward a better way of life is letting Christ guide you in making good decisions instead. Volunteering at Southland — maybe with children or students like I do, or in any capacity — can be a powerful way to step outside of yourself and your circumstances and regain perspective. Learn more today!


Slow Mo: Overcoming a Bad Decision – Friday


Slow Mo: Overcoming a Bad Decision – Wednesday