Sucker Punch – Battling Depression - Wednesday

Today’s Verse

John 16:33

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (NLT)

This week, we walked into the heavy topic of depression and the darkness and pain it can bring. We’ve explored how God's message to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 offers hope and strength in the face of suffering.

Today, let's continue the conversation by looking at the life of Jesus. It might seem surprising, but even the Son of God experienced pain, grief, and sorrow. One example in Isaiah 53:3 tells us, "He was despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief..."

This verse paints a picture of Jesus, not as distant and unaffected, but as someone who understands the depths of suffering. He wasn't shielded from the pain of loss, disappointment, or betrayal. In fact, Jesus experienced the most unimaginable pain—the agony of the cross.

Jesus knew firsthand what walking through dark valleys and undeserved circumstances was like. He understands the weight of grief and the loneliness of despair. This isn’t just comforting in the midst of despair, it’s a reminder that we aren’t alone.

As we face challenges, we can know that Jesus has walked this path before us. He knows our pain and offers us the hope of healing and restoration.


Isolation is a trap during depression and grief. Real companionship and community help break the cycle and move us towards healing. Southland Groups offer care groups for people in certain seasons and circumstances in life, as well as groups to do life with in all seasons. Find a group near you here! If we can help you find a group or program for your circumstances please reach out!


Sucker Punch – Battling Depression - Thursday


Sucker Punch – Battling Depression - Tuesday