Sucker Punch – Surviving Divorce - Tuesday

Today’s Verse

Ephesians 3:14-15

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. (NIV)

There’s nothing nice or happy about divorce. It is ugly and messy and leaves a lot of scars.

My parents weren’t married very long—they divorced when I was just a baby and I have no memories of them being together. As an adult, I was curious if it had affected me more or less because I had been so young. After my extensive research (I did a quick Google search), I can say that researchers agree the worst age for a child to deal with a divorce is 0-2… or 2-6, or 6-12, or 13-18. Yes, I literally found studies that came to completely opposite conclusions. 

Although I don’t remember when my parents divorced, I have plenty of memories of the stress and anxiety it brought me in my childhood. One stress was simply remembering what to call my stepdad when I was with my dad and visa versa. I didn’t want to upset either of them, so I didn’t want to call the other one “dad” when I was with them. I knew I couldn’t have two dads, so I pretended the only one I had was the one I was with. 

It also affected my relationship with God. For years I didn’t understand or connect with the idea of God the Father. The concept of a father brought me stress and anxiety…not comfort. It wasn’t overnight, but over time I was able to understand that only one Father is perfect. God perfectly protects. He perfectly cares. He perfectly loves. Regardless of how good or bad, how involved or absent, how loving or distant your father is, our Heavenly Father is ALWAYS there. Lean into Him. Talk to Him. Let Him love you in a way that no one else can.


Today, take some time to pray for the kids who are in divorce situations. Pray for healing. Pray for protection. Pray that they will see God as the perfect parent!

If throughout this week you want to talk to someone on staff at church about your marriage, or you would like to seek counseling, give us a call or click here.


Sucker Punch – Surviving Divorce - Wednesday


Sucker Punch – Surviving Divorce - Monday