Summer School: “Freedom in Christ” — Monday
Galatians 5:16-17a
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. (NIV)
This past week, I had the privilege of serving alongside 20+ middle school students in eastern Kentucky. The bulk of our work consisted of clearing out debris as well as demoing the structure of an abandoned apartment. Amongst all the silliness and chaos that naturally comes with this age demographic, our students had a deep desire to work hard as a team. Although it was difficult work, they pushed through with joy, compassion, and enthusiasm, and by the end of the week, they were sharing about how they couldn’t wait to come back next year to serve again.
Something that struck me throughout this trip was how our students were put in situations outside of their comfort zone. When faced with having to haul drywall in wheelbarrows or peeling old vines off the side of a building, they could have easily said, “I don’t want to do that!” or even, “I won’t do that!” Instead, they chose to embrace the discomfort in order to serve others. It would have been easy to sit in the shade all day drinking water and eating popsicles, but they wouldn’t have been able to experience the full scope of the trip. Instead, they worked hard, and by doing so, they surrendered their own desires and comforts to honor God and honor others.
As followers of Christ, we will naturally face discomfort in our walk. Following God is not easy. Our flesh and sinfulness will always try and pull us away from our Father. But because we have freedom in Jesus thanks to His sacrifice on the cross for us, we can surrender our temptations to Him in order to embrace the fullness of life in Him.
Monday’s Reflection
Think about something in your life that you’ve been running from because it’s uncomfortable. Ask God to help you surrender it to Him so you can embrace the discomfort and rest in the fullness of life lived in Him.