The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Tuesday

John 20:26a
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. (NIV84)

In junior high, my height landed me on the basketball team. Before our first game, our coach left us in the locker room for a few minutes. It wasn’t forever but long enough for two cousins on our team to get into a full-blown fistfight with each other. I couldn’t tell you why they fought, but one got in the other’s face and then fists started flying. Most teams listen to music and review plays; our team warmed up via bare-knuckles boxing.

Yesterday we read a verse that was one of the most awkward moments recorded in scripture. The disciples of Jesus were together when Thomas essentially called the others liars. They had seen Jesus after he rose from the grave, but Thomas wasn’t there. He makes it clear that unless he sees Jesus with his own eyes and inspects his broken body himself, he doesn’t believe them. When your friend calls you and everyone else in the room a liar, it’s bound to be a bit tense and awkward.

As Jonathan pointed out on Sunday, Thomas didn’t quit hanging out with the disciples and they didn’t kick him out after he verbalized his doubts. There is a lesson in this. A week later, the disciples are still with Thomas and vice versa. In our friend groups, small groups, and church, we should love each other enough to allow doubt and other awkward disagreements to exist without destroying the relationship.

I pray everyone reading this has people to whom they can express their doubts and fears. I pray everyone reading this has people in their lives with which they can disagree and still be friends. I also pray that we can be the kind of friends who allow space for others around us to not always see eye to eye with us.


If you don’t have a group of friends who love Jesus and love you check out Southland Groups. Please let us know if you don’t have someone to share your doubts with.


The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Wednesday


The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Monday