The Junk Drawer: Stronger - Friday

Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (NIV)

I would assume that you have likely read or heard of today’s verse before. It is likely one of the most popular verses in all of the Bible. Sadly though, it is also one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible. It’s not uncommon for someone to use this verse as a feel-good mantra to help muster up the courage to attempt a difficult challenge. “I can lift this heavy weight!” “I can win my basketball game!” “I can get this job!” However, this was not the message Paul intended to convey. We’ve talked all week about strength which is given to us by God despite our circumstances. Paul is saying that exact thing here; no matter the circumstances, in everything God will give us strength to continue to do His will.

Earlier this week, I shared a little bit about everything Paul had to endure in his missionary journey to preach the Gospel. With this in mind, we can definitely trust that Paul knows a little bit about the subject that he’s talking about here. As a matter of fact, Paul wrote this very letter as he was shackled inside of a jail cell. Paul had no choice but to put his hope and faith to the test and trust that God would carry him through. The strength that Paul needed, had to come from somewhere else than himself. Actually, it had to come from someone else, and not just any ‘someone else,’ but Jesus himself. The Christian life is filled with suffering, but we too, can do all things through Christ who gives us strength to endure it.

Friday’s Reflection

What challenges are you facing that are too hard for our God? None!


The Junk Drawer: Doubt - Monday


The Junk Drawer: Stronger - Thursday