Cafeteria Christianity: Sexuality — Friday
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (NIV)
“Sex is about me. My feelings. My pleasure. My body.”
Paul urges us to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God. He could have used other words: offer your hearts, or your possessions, or your time. But he used the word bodies... apparently, what we do and don’t do with our bodies is an act of worship.
Either we will worship ourselves, or we will worship God.
Perhaps there is no more devastating human thought than, “I know better than God.” We compete with the Lord for control of the throne.
Yet, in the purest of loves, God doesn’t force us into compliance. He allows us free will. Fully aware that any attempt to search for life outside of Him will prove futile. Fully knowing that unless we find our ultimate joy in Him, we will become hopelessly enslaved to things that can never deliver the happiness they promise.
And Satan adds fuel to the fire. He wants married people to feel oppressed and single people to feel repressed. Married couples, he wants you to feel like you’re missing out, and single people, he wants you to feel like you’re missing out. So he tells us sex is all about us and says, “Do what you want, when you want, with whoever you want.” And when that happens, it always leads to destruction.
Desiring a spouse, or sexual fulfillment, are good desires—beautiful, biblical desires. But are we able to let go of those desires to grab hold of and submit to something infinitely better—God’s perfect, wise, and loving will for our lives?
Don’t stop asking God to fulfill the desires of your heart, but also never stop asking God to expose whether these desires are self-serving rather than God-honoring.
Remember one thing: God is brilliant and desires good for you. His commands are not only really wise—they are really, really loving. He is not out to spoil your fun, and any “rules” God gives us are only mentioned because they are in our best interests. He wants to save you from trouble and keep you from unnecessary pain. His love for you is immeasurable.
Friday’s Reflection
Sexual attraction and desire MUST be trained and focused. We must lead our desires, not let them rule over us, or they will destroy our life. As you reflect today, respond to Paul’s appeal and offer your body as a living sacrifice to God.