Summer School: “Freedom in Christ” — Friday

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (NIV)

I am honored to serve with the Student Team here at Southland, and amidst the craziness of camp season with our students, one of my favorite parts of it is the bus ride home (shocking, I know). Something special about taking our middle schoolers to CIY MIX is that they come home every year singing at least one or two of their favorite songs from camp. Although a bus full of students after a long week at camp may not sound like the most fun, it’s where some of my favorite memories from camp are made. It’s hard to explain how sweet it is hearing our students belt out songs about Jesus at the top of their lungs, and even though it can sometimes be deafening, I never get tired of it. Weeks later, you can probably still catch them singing those same songs unprompted. 

A particular song that our students really gravitated toward this year has a lyric that says, “No longer I who live, now Jesus lives in me, for I was dead in sin, but I woke up to see the light.” Thinking about our middle schoolers singing that song almost brings tears to my eyes because it is a declaration of the hope we have in Jesus. We are no longer slaves to sin, but we are alive in Jesus. Declaring that truth of the new life and freedom we have in Him is something we should all do, no matter what age or stage of life we’re in. No matter what, we can always celebrate that we are free because of Christ—and that right there is truth worth singing just as loudly as a group of middle schoolers.

Friday’s Reflection

Take a moment today to sing to Jesus (actually sing!). Thank Him for who He is and what He’s done. Some great songs you can check out are “Seated on Hallelujahs” by Southland Music and “Hallelujah for the Cross” by Chris McClarney.


Wrestling With God — Monday


Summer School: “Freedom in Christ” — Thursday