The Verdict Is In: The Peace of God — Friday

Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.

This year, my wife bought me a subscription to an automatic car wash place here in town for Christmas. She will tell you it wasn’t a ton of money, but it is perhaps one of my favorite gifts I've been given in a long time. I get up to two car washes a day, and many days, I use both of them. My daily routine is to drop my son off at school and swing through the car wash on my way to work. Then, I might hit it up in the evening on my way home or after dinner. I LOVE having a clean truck; it makes me happy every time I use it.

And my wife knows how much I love it. I’ve told countless people about this gift. Anytime someone mentions my clean truck, I talk about the gift she gave me. Whenever gifts come up around the office, I work this gift into the conversation. I’m so grateful for it, I can’t help but talk about it. And it’s a gift I’m reminded of every time I use it (Which is very, very often).

I’ve also received a gift from God...forgiveness and eternal life. It’s a much more valuable gift than a car wash (even the super-premium deluxe car wash). I don’t deserve it. I could never afford it. And it’s significantly better than anything I could ever imagine. But how does this gift affect my daily life? Do I live a more grateful life? Do I talk about it more than I do my car wash membership? Do I honor Him throughout the day because I owe God everything? Do I even think about it daily? Easter should change your life, not just your eternal destination. We should live as if our lives don’t belong to us… because they don’t.

For me, my carwash has become a reminder of not only how much my wife loves me but how grateful I am for everything she does for me. And the fact that I have hope for this life and beyond reminds me that God deserves every second of my day. I know I won’t always succeed in living my days 100% for Him. But I do know that He deserves no less than that!

Friday’s Reflection

If you have received His gift, how has your life changed? Has it noticeably changed? Do you live a life of gratitude? Do you tell others about His gift? If not, what needs to change in your life to give Him the worship and praise He deserves?

And if you haven’t received that gift yet, what’s stopping you? Reach out to us today. We’d love to chat with you about taking that next step, start that conversation here!


Counterfeit: Masculinity — Monday


The Verdict Is In: The Peace of God — Thursday