
Check out what’s happening at your campus!

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry

At Southland, we think it’s really important to show kids who God is, how much He loves them, and how to use the Bible to guide their lives. That’s the goal of our Children’s Ministry! Each Sunday during our regular services, kids from nursery to 5th grade have the opportunity to grow closer in community, with Jesus, and develop a foundation of faith and truth.

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Backpack Program

Backpack Program

Because of your generosity, each week, we’re able to pack hundreds of bags of food and deliver them to our partner schools, ensuring that kids with limited resources have food over the weekend and during the summer when they aren’t in school.

But we can’t do this without the help of donations, so we’d love it if you partnered with us to help feed these kids and support families in our community!

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Dollar Club

Dollar Club

We ask everyone who attends Southland to add one extra dollar to their weekly offering. It may not sound like much, but each week, those extra dollars from all five of our campuses get added together to bless an individual or family in a life-changing way. So thank you for your generosity—it's making a huge impact here at Southland and in the community!

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School Mentoring

School Mentoring

One of our favorite ways we get to partner with local schools is through our mentoring program, where we pair elementary students with adults who invest in them for 30 minutes each week at their school.

Could you spare 30 minutes a week to read with a young person, sit with them at lunch, or play on the playground? That small amount of time can make a huge difference in the life of a child!

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Fields to Families

Fields to Families

The deer initiative supports our backpack program. We are partnering with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife and Hunters for the Hungry to create venison jerky sticks to support conservation efforts in the Commonwealth and provide a protein option as part of the backpack program. Check out for more information!

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Here at Southland, our mission is simple: Love God, Love People.

Everything we do inside and outside the walls of our church is for that purpose, and all of it is made possible by the way you generously and sacrificially give. From financial gifts to item donations, we literally couldn’t do what we do without your generosity. So thank you for helping us make an impact in our communities, our cities, and our world!

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