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The Telephone Game Jon Weece The Telephone Game Jon Weece

Gossip vs. Gospel

Romans 10:9-17 | The Gospel is the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. When we use our words to spread and share this good news beautiful things happen! Instead of choosing to spread gossip we can spread the gospel.

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The Baby & The Bathwater Jon Weece The Baby & The Bathwater Jon Weece

Build a Strong Church

Matthew 16:11-20 | The Bible describes the church as “the body of Christ.” In other words, the church should look a lot like Jesus. And one of the best things Jesus did for people was encourage them to serve and empower them to lead. Southland will always need an abundance of servant leaders.

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Winter Fire Jon Weece Winter Fire Jon Weece

Everlasting Father

Isaiah 9:6 | In a world where things and people wear out, grow old, fall apart, and die we have an everlasting Father who doesn’t get tired. He never fails and he never fades. Who can we extend an invitation to this Christmas season to sit at our table, come to church with us and sit by our fire?

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Winter Fire Jon Weece Winter Fire Jon Weece

Wonderful Counselor

Isaiah 9:6 | A counselor comes alongside someone in their time of need and imparts truth and wisdom. In a culture saturated with counselors we have the perfect counselor in and through Jesus who came alongside us in our time of need. Who can we come alongside during this Christmas season?

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The Rebel’s Guide Jon Weece The Rebel’s Guide Jon Weece

Be an Imperfect Friend

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 | Living in community can be scary, but not as scary as being alone, especially when trouble steers our way. We need each other, but we don’t have to be perfect to be a good friend. We already have the perfect friend in Jesus.

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In Case Of Emergency Jon Weece In Case Of Emergency Jon Weece

Stay The Course

1 Peter 4:12-19, 5:10 | We have a purpose far higher than the latest election. We have a mission far bigger than any political platform. We are called and commanded to love God and love people and if we will remain faithful to that mission God promises to strengthen us in the process.

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In Case Of Emergency Jon Weece In Case Of Emergency Jon Weece

Stay Calm

1 Peter 1:3-9; 13-16 | Our culture has taught us that whatever we feel is not only real, but should be expressed. The Bible teaches us to control ourselves and stay calm. We don’t know what is ahead, but we can choose ahead of time to keep our heads.

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Sucker Punch Jon Weece Sucker Punch Jon Weece

Battling Depression

1 Kings 19:1-5 | There’s a great story in 1 Kings where Elijah challenges a group of 450 false prophets to a “duel” of sorts and wins a resounding victory. In the very next chapter, we watch Elijah run 100 miles into the wilderness, where he sits under a tree depressed and begs God to take his life. In this message, we’ll learn how God can minister to us in the dregs of depression.

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Sucker Punch Jon Weece Sucker Punch Jon Weece

Overcoming Fear

“Fear.” Just the sound of the word brings a variety of emotions. It asks the question, “Fight or Flight?” Fear can unnerve us or empower us. Spur us on or hold us back. Everyone struggles with fear, and there are all kinds of fears to stare down in life. In this message, we’ll look at ways to pray away fear’s slimy grip on our lives.

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Deconstruction Jon Weece Deconstruction Jon Weece

The Living Room — Technology Cannot Love You

Philippians 4:4-8 | The level of fear, worry, and anxiety we experience is connected to the amount of time we spend staring at and scrolling through images on screens. What we’re looking for in technology can be found in God’s love for us and the joy it delivers when we surrender to it and train our minds to think about it throughout the day.

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Deconstruction Jon Weece Deconstruction Jon Weece

The Bedroom — Sexual Purity Matters

I Corinthians 6:12-20 | Our cultural mantra is, “If it feels good, do it.” We’ve compromised purity for the sake of pleasure. God loves us enough to give us sexual boundaries that are meant to protect us from emotional and physical harm. True sexual freedom is experienced in the safe confines of a committed marriage relationship.

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Deconstruction Jon Weece Deconstruction Jon Weece

The Foundation — The Bible Is True

II Timothy 3:16-17 | In the construction world, a foundation has to be solid before anything can be built on it. The same is true with the Christian faith. Everything we believe is grounded in the reality that every word in the Bible is true because its author is trustworthy.

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The Junk Drawer Jon Weece The Junk Drawer Jon Weece

The Middle Ground

Mark 12:12-17 | The religious leaders of Jesus' day tried to trap him saying something he shouldn't say. Jesus refused to fall prey to their polarizing options. Instead, he brilliantly found a middle ground in his response giving us a blueprint for how to navigate difficult conversations. Loving one option doesn't always infer that we hate the other option. Sometimes our choices aren't between right and wrong, but between better and best. In this sermon, we will learn how to find the middle ground with the goal of uniting people in a divided world.

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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming Difficult Circumstances

Exodus 3:1-17:7 | Leading hundreds of thousands of people for 40 years in a desolate wasteland was no picnic in the park for Moses. As a leader, he had to improvise, overcome daunting obstacles, deal with difficult personalities, and push past personal insecurities to be effective. In this message, we will learn some simple principles to help us deal with the complex problems we often face in life.

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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming A Rough Childhood

Exodus 1:1-2:10 | “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” is definitely a phrase that applies to the first few years of Moses’ life. He was born into slavery, the government tried to kill him before he could take his first steps, his mom gave him up for adoption, and he was raised by foreign people in a foreign land. In this message, we will see that in spite of his challenging childhood, Moses became a man that God could count on and the same can be true for us.

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Fish Stories Jon Weece Fish Stories Jon Weece

Jonah’s Repentance

Jonah 2-3 | The most likely time to appreciate God’s mercy is when we’ve made a major mess of our lives. Bad choices and foolish decisions usually create horrible circumstances that leave us in a state of desperation. One of the advantages of being desperate is that we’re likely to understand our need to turn back to God and obey Him. In this message we’ll see ourselves in Jonah as he came to his senses and found his way back to God.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Words

Matthew 12:33-37 | Only Jesus can change our hearts, which leads to a change in the words we speak. Our words are powerful, for good or for bad, and they reveal what’s going on in our hearts for good or for bad.

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