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Standalone Connor Hall Standalone Connor Hall

The Countdown

Join in as Connor Hall leads us through the 24 hours leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. When we consider what He prioritized, how can we apply those same priorities in our daily lives.

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Born in a Barn Jon Weece Born in a Barn Jon Weece

Jesus’ Messy Mission

(Matthew 2:1-12): The Magi or “Wise Men” were religious outsiders searching for Jesus. While the wise men traveled a long way to find Him, they didn’t travel nearly as far as Jesus did to find them. Jesus came for everyone and that includes you and me. In this message we will see that no matter how far we’ve run, how much we’ve done, or how broken we are, Jesus came to rescue us and restore us.

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Born in a Barn Scott Nickell Born in a Barn Scott Nickell

Jesus’ Messy Friends

(Luke 2:1-20): The shepherds who visited Jesus after his birth were a rough crowd. Shepherds were looked down upon, ostracized and lived in the margins of a “respectable” society. The kind of people that surrounded Jesus when He was born were a foreshadowing of the kind of people He would befriend later in life. In this message, we will learn that Jesus was and still is a friend to sinners like us.

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Born in a Barn Jon Weece Born in a Barn Jon Weece

Jesus’ Messy Home

(Matthew 1:18-25): Mary and Joseph had to exercise a tremendous amount of faith to be obedient during Jesus’ birth. The rumors about Mary and Joseph swirled around Jesus for the rest of his life and his critics used those rumors against Him. In this message, we will look at how to overcome a rough childhood and generational behaviors that need to be broken.

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