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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Peace of God

I Corinthians 15:51-58 | By leaving his tomb empty, Jesus made it possible for all of us to live without fear. In this Easter message, we will see that even when the daily circumstances of life are uncertain, we have peace in our hearts because our future destination has been secured.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Pardon of God

Romans 5:6-11 | We often remember the decisions the most, because our sinful choices create a unique form of spiritual slavery and captivity. In this message, we will look at the eternal freedom Jesus died to give us.

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The Verdict Is In Scott Nickell The Verdict Is In Scott Nickell

The Sentence of God

Matthew 25:31-46 | From classrooms to living rooms to boardrooms, we live in a country that rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior. In this message, we will see that if we put our faith in Jesus, God will reward us for our good deeds. If we don’t put our faith in Jesus, God will punish us for our bad deeds.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Justice of God

Matthew 7:21-23 | It takes an all-knowing and all-seeing God to judge the world in a way that tips the scales of justice towards a completely unbiased outcome. In this message we will look at God’s plan to judge the earth of all the right and wrong behaviors and the legal standard he will use to do it.

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The Top Shelf Scott Nickell The Top Shelf Scott Nickell

The Self-Sacrificing God

Psalm 22; Matthew 27 | We tend to measure love by a willingness to go the extra mile, sacrifice time, and lay aside personal desires for the good of someone else. God is the most self-sacrificing being in the universe. The ultimate example of that is His willingness to allow His Son to die on the cross for our sin. In this message we’ll talk about the role of self-sacrifice and how no one expresses it better than God.

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